Monday, October 11, 2010

Eye Opener: CSPI

The results of my Eating Green Calculator were that each year I use: 2.6 acres of grain and grass for animal feed, 0.4 pounds of fertilizer to grow animal feed, 60.7 pounds of fertilizer to grow animal feed, and 16706 pounds of manure is created by the animals I eat each year.

My opinion on these results may be a little biased but I am going to share it anyway.  The only beef I consume is straight from my grandparents family farm and the steers that are harvested for this beef have been raised by my grandfather.  This is a way of life for my family and all of the manure collected from these cows is directly applied to the crops on the farm (corn, etc.).  This beef is also very lean and I find it much better tasting than anything I have ever eaten from the store.  Along with that I would also like to add that other meats that I consume include venison (deer), bear, and wild turkey, both of which are harvested legally by me and other members of my family.  Both the farm and hunting have become a way of life for my family and a means for keeping food on the table and it leaves me with a sense of error when I complete surveys like this.

I agreed to take the pledge because I feel like I could easily make my diet more plant based.  However, I was somewhat hesitant to agree because farming has been a livelihood for my family for many years and the fact that I am eating only beef that is raised on our family farm leaves me with a sense that my impact is not quite as severe as this review makes it out to be.


  1. I think it's great that you know where you're getting your meat from and how the animals you eat are treated! I think in your case, you might just want to pledge to educate others who buy their meat from stores.

  2. I like that you know where were your meat is coming from. We have a lot of farmers in my family too and we always purchase a cow at the county fair to provide us with our beef for the year. It's nice to know where it's from.

  3. I completely agree with you opinion on this test. I think it's great that you are consuming all local and organic meat from your grandparents farm. That in itself is a huge eco-friendly step!

  4. It is very cool that you know exactly where your meat is coming from. I think you are right in your opinion of the results and am glad you shared about your family's farming and hunting practices.
