Monday, October 25, 2010

Eye Opener: Environmental Working Group

The product that I looked up on the Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep Cosmetics Safety Guide was Old Spice Hair & Body Wash.  The products on this website are rated on a scale from 1-10 (10 being the most hazardous) the scale represented 0-2 as low hazard items, 3-6 as moderate items, and 7-10 as high hazard items; here is what I gathered from my results:

My product was ranked a 5/10 and said to have a moderate hazard, with the ingredients being primarily linked to allergies/immunotoxicity.  The site stated that 60% of body wash/cleansers have lower concerns, along with 43% of shampoos having lower concerns as well.  The primary ingredient that had the highest hazard score was FRAGRANCE and it scored an 8/10 and was a high hazard. Nearly all of the hazardous ingredients in my product were linked to allergies and skin irritation and were in the low hazard to moderate hazard range.

As for my feelings on these findings, I have somewhat of mixed emotions.  I have been using this product for quite a while and never suffered any side effects from it, which is saying alot for a person who has allergy problems and has had issues with very dry skin.  However, it is making me reconsider alot of products I use on a daily basis and after researching one of them I can see myself looking them all up


  1. I have some mixed emotions about my results as well. On one hand, it's scary learning about the potential hazards and all, but it seems like many of us have used the same products for years without any negative side effects to speak of. Overall a very interesting website though.

  2. I'm surprised that since you suffer from allergies that this product hasn't taken a toll on you. And even though it is 5 on the rating scale I feel as if this product may be relatively safe compared to others.

  3. I think these scores are kind of relative to the person and are what hazard they could possibly pose more than they typically do (obviously). Therefore, I'm a little skeptical of the bias with this site.

  4. 5/10 isn't bad but you're right, it could be better. And ew, who knew fragrance was so hazardous! That turned out to be one of the worst things in almost all my products.

  5. I also have mixed emotions about it, but I figure it won't really hurt to switch to a less hazardous produce just in case.

  6. I too had mixed emotions seeing how I have been faithful to my deodorant for years! It is tough but I am glad that we all are at least able to consider different options. Who knows, maybe we will like them better.
