Monday, December 13, 2010

Advocacy Project: Understanding Emissions

Motor vehicle emissions are composed of the by-products that come from the exhaust systems of automobiles or other emissions such as gasoline evaporation. These emissions contribute to air pollution and are a major ingredient in the creation of smog in some larger cities.

The purpose of this activity is to increase awareness regarding the hazards of motor vehicle emissions, and the benefits of walking on our environment.  The facts and details provided will not only increase an understanding of the negative impact of motor vehicle emissions, but they will also provide an understanding of the positive steps we can take to protect our environment.

Aside from the benefits of walking we have been exposed to from a health standpoint, the environmental benefits are just as important.

A fact sheet highlighting the positive impact of walking on the environment

Calculate your vehicle pollution impact

A few fact sheets from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency:

Now that you have read the information provided, you should have an increased understanding of motor vehicle emissions and the steps we need to take to reduce them.  It is easy to see that the steps we can take to protect not only ourselves, but our environment as well are not too far "out of the box."  To finish this activity, please comment on 2-3 things you learned from this information that you did not know before.


  1. I think trying to reduce emissions by driving less is a win-win situation. Not only do you lessen air pollutants but you are also making your body healthier by exercising. The fact sheets were really interesting. I really like the one that gives tips on buying a cleaner car.

  2. This was a great activity. I learned about ways that I could try to cut back on my driving. I really liked the emissions calculator, too. I was better than average which was nice. I guess being a poor college student does have it's advantages haha.

  3. Great activity! Not going to lie, I knew very little information about emissions and what they do to the environment. The calculator was a little difficult just with estimating. I never realized how much I drive though. The video clip was really helpful and I liked how some of the facts on the fact sheets related directly to Minnesota.

  4. I am excited to do your activity. I think I will learn something. I agree with Kristy I don't know much on emissions.

  5. You had a lot of really good reference sites hyper linked in your post. I really thought it was interesting how some communities are designed for the community members to walk everywhere. I think it is a really good and innovative idea.

  6. I really like all of the references you have! I was reading the impact of walking fact sheet and it mentioned that when it comes to driving over walking children are the most affected regarding health. It mentioned they tend to have more respiratory issues and hearing loss problems, and this is something I never really thought of before so that was great to learn!
