Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Eye Opener: Understanding Emissions

Tackling Transportation
  1. The three places I picked were school (SpHC), the mall, and Holiday on Woodland Ave.  I am usually at the school so I did not have three places that I go to consistently.
  2. I always walk to school and when I go to the mall I drive.  However whenever I go to the gas station it is usually for gas so I am kind of obligated to drive there.
  3. The most convenient way for me to get to the school is walking which takes about 8 min. The most convent way to get to the gas station would also be walking, taking about 10 min.  And the most convenient way for me would be driving myself because taking the bus there would result in about an hour of travel.
  4. The route to school is exactly the same as now, the route to the gas station would just be walking instead of driving, and the route to the mall is completely different.  It usually takes me about 10-12 min to get to the mall, and I don't go there much, so waiting an hour on the bus would be very frustrating.
  5. The commute to school is already identical to my current route, I could amend my gas station trip but I only really go there when I need fuel, and the trip to the mass seems like a lot of waiting around wasting time.
  6. I plan to try and walk to the gas station when I do not need gas, however the other two routes will remain the same as I currently take
Childhood Lead Poisoning
CDC Web Site
  1. Moroccan Tea Glasses, on the market for 4 months before recalled.
  2. Boys and Girls Belts, on the market for a year before recalled.
  3. All-Star Basketball Chair and Ottoman Sets, on the market for 14 months before recalled.
EPA Web Site
  1. Thoroughly rinse sponges and mop heads after cleaning dirty or dusty areas.
  2. Clean or remove shoes before entering your home to avoid tracking in lead from soil.
  3. If you rent, notify your landlord of peeling or chipping paint.
Water Vocabulary Match
We were asked to play the matching game memory with vocabulary terms.

The Effects of Smoking
We were asked to complete a survey on the effects of smoking from the readings in the lesson.

What You Want to Know About Asthma and Allergies
  1. Annual expenditures for health and lost productivity due to asthma are estimated at over $20 billion, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
  2. Asthma is the third-ranking cause of hospitalization among children under 15
  3. Asthma accounts for nearly 17 million physician office and hospital visits, 4 and nearly 2 million emergency department visits each year.
Breathe-Freeville Mystery
  1. Suspect (name of air pollutant): Fossil Phil (Carbon Dioxide)
  2. Cause (where does pollutant come from): Carbon dioxide is emitted into the air when fossil fuels are burned to release energy in power plants, homes, factories and vehicles. Carbon dioxide in its sold form is dry ice. It is also used in fire extinguishers.
  3. Crime (what health effects is it having on citizens/environment):Carbon dioxide is emitted into the air when fossil fuels are burned to release energy in power plants, homes, factories and vehicles. As CO2, a greenhouse gas, has built up in the Earth's atmosphere, it has contributed to global climate change.
  4. Lock 'Em Up (Alternative resources we could use/do to replace/reduce the pollutant): Carbon-free energy sources include solar power, wind power, geothermal energy, low-head hydropower, hydrokinetics (e.g., wave and tidal power), and nuclear power. Alternatively, switching from high-carbon fuels like coal and oil, to reduced-carbon fuels such as natural gas, will also result in reduced carbon dioxide emissions.
  5. Case File (what did you learn from this activity): I learned that there were a lot more alternative forms of fuel to reduce Carbon Dioxide emissions than just solar and wind power.  It is crazy how accessible these forms are to us as well.
Occupational Hazard Crossword
  1. Inhalation
  2. Decades
  3. Lead
  4. Wash
  5. Blood
  6. Symptoms
  7. Work


  1. Great job on doing all of the activities, Adam. There was a lot that went into them, I thought. It seems like you learned a lot too.

  2. Good job completing the activities! I hope you had fun doing them. There was a lot of information learned in these short activities!

  3. Nice work. I think what was great about our group was the variety of information we presented. For the most part, we had different topics and make the activities around different things. This was really helpful in making the online activities fun to do!

  4. Looks like you did an awesome job at completing all of the activities! I hope you enjoyed doing them as much as I did! I thought it was really fun and really unique way to learn about all of these very important issues.

  5. Looks like you completed all the tasks successfully. I feel like there was something to learn from each one. Good job!

  6. Hurray, you completed everything so well! Isn't it crazy how we each took different approaches to teach our topics for the online learning activity? By looking at the items that you listed on the recalled items it reminds me that we can never assume that just because something is available for purchase does not mean that it is necessarily the best and safest product available!
