Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Read 'n' Seed 1: Exposed: The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products and What's at Stake for American Power

My Read 'n' Seed book that I have chosen is "Exposed: The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products and What's at Stake for American Power."

This book discusses the strict standards that the European Union has placed on product sold there.  It talks about how products that are high in chemicals and produced in the U.S. will soon be banned from sale in Europe and other areas of the world.  The authors rendition on this topic could potentially change the way we as consumers look at the everyday products that have become a part of our every day life.

I chose this book because I have always found interest in the way we as Americans seem to cut corners and do whatever makes things easiest, even if it may involve putting harmful items in an every day product.  I have always wondered what might be in some of the things that are on the shelves of stores through our country, and now seeing that other countries have opened their eyes regarding to these issues, to the extent where they are about to ban the sale of some American products in their countries, has increased my interest even further.

Sources about the book and author:

Progressive Book Club Review
Amazon Book Review
Mark Schapiro Bio
Mark Schapiro Blog

This book is 224 pages, so depending upon how the chapters line up each quarter of my Read 'n' Seed will be about 55 pages.  My book is set to deliver tomorrow Thursday September 30, so once it arrives I can make my final decision.


  1. Adam, I think it will be interesting to see what really is in the products that we use every day. I like what you said about cutting corners and doing what is easiest for us, regardless of the impact it has on the world around us. Many of us fall into that category. I can't wait for you to educate us on this book so that we can reconsider some of the products we use every day. I am also curious to see where this ban ends up and if it will ever make its way to the U.S.

  2. Adam,
    This book sounds so great! I too am very interested in the potential danger of these chemicals in products that we use everyday! Can't wait to read more!

  3. This sounds like it could be a really interesting book. I think you make a very good point when you say Americans tend to cut corners without considering the consequences of our actions. I'm excited to learn more as you read this book and I look forward to hearing more of what you have to say on the topic.

  4. Wow, it will be interesting to learn what those products are. Sounds like a great book!

  5. I can't wait to hear about the chemicals in this book. I am interning at the St. Luke's Cancer Center and we see several cancers form in people that live healthy lives; to their knowledge, that is. I'm interested to hear how these everyday products and chemicals are really affecting us.

  6. I had no idea that the European Union was doing this. It's sad that Americans cut corners like this expecially when it comes to people's health. I look forward to hearing more about this topic!
