Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Eye Opener: Ecological Footprint

After taking my ecological footprint quiz, I am not exactly sure how to interpret my results. I understand that I have a lot of areas where I could reduce my footprint, however, some of the questions I did not have any idea how to answer because as a college student they didn't exactly apply to my current situation.  My ecological foot print was said to be 3.3 which is quite a bit, but after I finished my quiz I went back in and adjusted it to other people's lifestyles and things could have been much worse.  A few things I could do to reduce my ecological footprint would be promote recycling and healthy eating habits amongst my roommates and close friends, try to avoid making so many trips back home, carpool when driving is necessary, and utilize natural sunlight instead of relying on artificial lighting.

My IUHPE Ecological Footprint


  1. I also could not answer all of the questions either but I was kind of shocked by the results. You said yours was 3.3 but thought things could have been worse; but you also have to remember that your footprint could have been a lot better. Compared to someone who might have a footprint of 1, 3.3 is a lot.

  2. I think a lot of people were pretty shocked by their results on the ecological footprint quiz. It's unbelievable how the little things we do every day can have such a big impact on the environment. I'm glad you mentioned encouraging your roommates to be more eco-friendly as well, people can always use a friendly reminder!

  3. I agree that it was hard to answer some of the questions. I come from a small town and we purchase our meat locally so I know what they were trying to ask in regards to the mass production of meat but that doesn't exactly apply to me and my family as much. We also grow a lot of our own vegetables.

  4. You have some great ideas to reduce your carbon footprint. It's amazing how those little things really do add up and can harm our environment without us even realizing it!

  5. I also went back and adjust some things but to see how I could reduce my footprint. I thought it was very cool that we could go back and see if we cut back on one or two things how that would impact the results. I think a few questions were a little bit unrelated but I still value the results and the overall idea of it. It just goes to show how much we do use.

  6. It's funny that even though we think we are being mindful and environmentally friendly we can still use sooo much! I like your suggestion of using natural sunlight instead of artificial, I rarely think of that!
