Monday, October 4, 2010

Share and Voice: Green Resort - One of Wisconsin's Most Environmentally Friendly Facilities

While doing my internship this past summer I attended the Western Wisconsin Worksite Wellness Conference at the Florian Gardens Convention Center in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.  While talking with some people at the conference, this topic came up in conversation because the resort just happened to be right next to where the conference was being held.  I thought it was extremely interesting and would like to share it with everyone else.

Green Friendly Resort

The Chaos Waterpark, which is attached to the Acton City amusement park, was awarded in 2009 as one of "Wisconsins Top 30 Projects" and the "Best of Aquatics" award from Aquatics International.  The water park uses approximately 10% of the average million and a half gallons to backwash its pool.  This water from the pool also circulates throughout the Metropolis Hotel to control the temperature of the hotels rooms.  The water in the pool also does not carry any sort of smell and the waterpark uses an air infused cleaning system which is still Wisconsin's only such system to date.  Overall the water park purifies 950 gallons of water per minute, seven times above the industry standard, which makes this Wisconsin cleanest water parka and reduces the amount of water wasted in the process.


  1. I think it is great that places like this are making an effort to create less waste. I can only imagine how much water it takes to run a water park that people of all ages will enjoy. The numbers you stated are pretty impressive! Hopefully more water parks will follow this example.

  2. That's so cool that the pool water circulates throughout the hotel and controls the temperature of the hotel's rooms. I have never heard of that before and I'm glad that this hotel is taking eco-friendly steps to improve our environment. Thanks for sharing this article!

  3. That's a really neat waterpark/hotel. I hope this hotel shows these numbers to other places so that more hotels can be like this one. You said the water doesn't smell, do you mean that you wouldn't smell chlorine if you were swimming in it? Cause that's awesome. Thanks for sharing!

  4. That is so cool! I'm glad to see so many companies like hotels are getting on the bandwagon with being more eco-friendly! At first thought it seems like that pool wouldn't be very clean but it purifies 950 gallons of water per minute! WOW!

  5. I'm surprised I didn't know about this since I only live about an hour away from Eau Claire myself. My old high school has sent kids to Action City for post-prom a couple of years. I think this is great and I'll be sure to spread the word around home about what a great job they are doing.

  6. This Chaos Waterpark sounds awesome! I'm really impressed by the efficiency of this place. It's unbelievable to me what a smart and creative idea this was, they must have had some very forward-thinking people planning this project. Actually, I really want to check this waterpark out now! Thanks for sharing Adam.
