Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1: My SMART Goal

My SMART Goal:

I will eat at least 4 servings (1/2 cup) of fruits or vegetables (or a mix) every day for the next 10 weeks.

Image Courtesy of Google Images

How is this change is Eco-Chic?

This change is Eco-Chic because it not only is beneficial for my personal health and nutrition, but it also reduces the amount of processed food and trash I create from eating packaged food items.  Also, I am going to do my best to purchase locally grown fruits and vegetables.

Why I chose this behavior?

I chose this specific behavior because I realize that I do not consume nearly enough fresh fruits and vegetables on a daily basis.  I constantly find myself eating what ever is quick and easy, primarily during the day, in order to continue through my busy schedule.  I also realize that eating these packaged food items contributes to the negative food production that we have been covering in class as well as creating way more waste than I should be as a environmentally aware citizen.

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1 hosted by Amy@Amy in the Rain


  1. I also eat a lot of junk food in order to continue with my busy schedule. I like your goal and I think it will be a good way to benefit yourself and the environment. A good way to stick with your goal is to cut up your fruits and veggies the night before so you can just grab it and go in the morning when you are ready to start your day. Good luck!

  2. I know you put a link to describe how much a serving is but it might be good just to write it out in your goal; just to be specific. I also eat a lot of junk food because it's more handy. I like your reasons for choosing this goal!

  3. Adam I like your goal its really similar to mine. I think that a lot of us as college student are eating on the go so its hard to always eat right. The nice thing is that a lot of fruits and veggies are easy to eat when your on the run such as apples or carrots. Good luck over the next couple weeks!
