Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Share & Voice: Sunchip Bags

Image courtesy of Google Images
ABC News Article
I am sure most of you have either consumed or at least seen the Eco-friendly biodegradable bags that Frito Lay designed for their product Sunchips.  Well, in recent news consumers of Sunchips are upset because the bags are too loud.  This effort to be Eco-friendly and create a bag that, even if littered, would break down over the course of a couple weeks into nothing has been shut down by our society who disliked it because it was "too loud."  If you ask me this does not seem like such an inconvenience that we need to discontinue producing a completely biodegradable product because it makes a little noise.


  1. I agree. That seems a little silly if you ask me. If people are complaining it is too loud, they should pour the amount they intend to eat into a bowl and then put the bag away. Then they wouldn't have to deal with the noise each time they reached into the bag. This might also be a good idea for those on a diet.

  2. I always thought the bags were really loud but that doesn't mean I think they should stop making them! I agree with Samantha's comment. Pour them into a bowl! I think it's really sad how much people don't really care about the environment if it is interrupting or disturbing something in their lives.

  3. I think that it is cool that the bags are loud its something new! Its so ridiculous that people care that much about something. Maybe many people do not realize that the bags however are bio degradable. Maybe if they did they would be more understanding, but its hard to tell. Neat topic here!
