Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 2: Weekly Update

1. What was your SMART goal? How did you do in achieving your SMART goal?
  • My SMART goal: I will eat at least 4 servings (1/2 cup) of fruits or vegetables (or a mix) every day for the next 10 weeks. 
  • I nearly achieved my goal throughout the first week, I managed to hit a couple of snags throughout the weekend.
2. Address successes & challenges. What strategies helped you to be successful? What challenges did you face? How did you deal with them?
  • At the beginning of the week I went grocery shopping and purchased a good amount of fresh fruits and vegetables so I would have them readily accessible throughout the week.
  • I varied the different types of fruits and vegetables I ate throughout the week so I would not be overwhelmed with one thing so early on in my change.
  • Challenges: This weekend I ran out of fruit and with my girlfriend being up for the weekend I never made an attempt to run and get more.  So Saturday and Sunday I fell about 2 servings short of my goal.
3. What feelings did you experience? When did you feel them?
  • I felt a lot better after only a few days of eating fresh fruits and vegetables.  I felt less full throughout the day, I found myself with less of an urge to snack, and I had more energy.
4. What did you learn this week?
  • I learned that this goal is very attainable for myself, I just have to stick to my plan and be committed.  I cannot find myself falling outside of the pattern I have developed and by making fruits and vegetables easily available when I am at home will make this goal much more attainable.
5. What are your plans for next week? Will you continue with the change as is? Will you modify to make it more achievable or more challenging?
  • My challenges for this upcoming week will be about the same as the last.  I will be going home for Wisconsin gun hunting, so I will have fruits and vegetables easily available  at my parents house.  The one problem that I might run into is the amount of time I will be spending in the woods and short amount of time I will have for meals.  I am going to pack fruits in my vehicle and make those my first priority of a snack through the nine day deer hunting season ahead.


  1. Sounds like you are doing a great job, Adam. It also sounds like you have a good plan for the weekend while you are hunting. Good luck this weekend for the opener! Hope you get a nice big buck! I, unfortunately, won't be able to hunt this year.

  2. If eating more fruits and veggies makes you snack less than I think that's what I need to do! Sounds like a good plan for the weekend.
