Monday, November 15, 2010

Share & Voice: Obey Clothing

Image from Google Images

I was looking at the tags of some clothing I purchased the other day and I came across something really neat.  I have purchased Obey Clothing for quite a while and never realized that proceeds from the clothing go directly to the Obey Awareness program.  This program supports emerging issues and all profits generated from the item sold go directly to supporting these causes.  Some of the causes supported include: Surfrider, Haiti, Adopt-a-Pet, Hope Campaign, 180 degrees South, 11th Hour, and Rock the Vote.


  1. Adam, this is really cool I had no idea that the brand OBEY did this. Its really nice to see that they are donating money to a variety of emerging issues in our world. It makes you feel better about paying a little more for them.

  2. Wow, that's really neat that they do that. It would be awesome if they promoted that more so that people know some of the proceeds are being donated; it might get more people to buy it!

  3. What a great company. Does this mean they are a non-profit? I'll have to look out this brand the next time I go shopping (which will probably be in the near future).
